Isola C is a limited signed and numbered edition on 20 copies.
The fragrance is based on the not numbered Artfume Isola Comacina of 2018 (out of order and not anymore available).

The numbered and signed versions are packed in a mini version of a wooden art transport crate. The signature and numbering of the edition is on the box, so the mini art transport crates become part of the edition. Just like the bottles, the mini transport crates are handmade and bear witness to a delicate craftsmanship.

Signed and numbered in combination with a red lacquer stamp on the back side of the mini art transport crate.
Olfactory artist Peter de Cupere sees these scent compositions as mini works of art that can be enjoyed with passion through the nose and sight.
The fragrance composition is a symbol for the context of a work of art. This makes them an important part of the artwork. Without this fragrance composition, the artwork for which the fragrance was developed would not have existed.
For his 50th birthday in November olfactory artist Peter de Cupere gives 50 euro reduction until November 30th!
A scent composition as reference to an island
The island is naturally present in Peter de Cupere’s oeuvre, both in a sensory and an immaterial dimension. He is internationally renowned for an approach that uses the sense of smell and interpairs as an essential tool for a subjective inclusion of the world and of social, scientific or complex realities.

The Artfume Isola C like the Artfume Isola Comacina a reference to the composed olfactory portrait of the island Comacina (IT). This olfactory portrait is related to the concept of the insularity and the island being. The Perfume was formulated as an artistic interpretation during a three-week residence on the island in 2011.
The Artfume Isola Comacina of 2018
(out of order and not anymore available).
In the original work of art the perfume is presented in the form of boxes in which artworks are transported and perforated in the middle. These perforations spread throughout the duration of the exhibition the specific perfume that has been composed by the artist.

OLFACTORY PORTRAIT of Isola Comacina (2011-2018)
Empty art transport crate filled with the smell of the scent composition of the Island

The Artfume Isola C and Comacina is directly related to the olfactory perception of the island of Comacina.
The conversion into the scent composition is based on a memory and a direct transcription of diverse and pre-eminently subjective olfactory impressions, in which more or less factual sources are discussed. These sources are linked to the climate and the vegetation of the island, but also to the metaphorical or transposition of earlier cultural experiences or elements that link to, inter alia, territorial history. The result is a subtle and complex fragrance that interweaves many ingredients (In total 48).

At the base of the scent are of course elements of the landscape that symbolize the presence of this green island in the middle of Lake Como, but also the pine with which the interior of residences is decorated, the smell of the earth after a heavy rain shower, the smell of the morning dew and the sultry evening air etc. These smells are enriched with chords related to the presence of the many archaeological and cultural traces on the island: myrrh, frankincense and galbanum fill the composition of the scent, while a subtle evocation of smoke winks at the preparation of the fireworks of St. John’s Day and the subsequent real flaming of the island, a highlight on the local folk calendar. This variegated bouquet is rounded off with scents that are specific to the map of the only restaurant on the island.
The bottle is designed by the artist. It’s a direct reference to the ever-burning island. As a result, each bottle was colored separately with a fire flame and further finished with a transparent green layer. This means that every bottle of its own is unique.

The edition of the perfume is limited because the Artfumes by Peter de Cupere are realized in small batches.
The artfumes allow the viewer to cherish the smell of the artwork at home. It is therefore necessary to view these artfumes as collectors’ items.