JUNIFER & JUNIFERO are not for sale online. They are commissioned perfumes.
Interested to have your own perfume developed?

Peter de Cupere set to work with the authentic home-red gins and liqueurs from the National Jenever Museum Belgium. Together with the aromas of the ingredients of these spirits, he has combined other scents to obtain a wider blend. So not so much to enhance the smell of the jenever/gin ingredients, but to boost them. In this way two fragrance compositions or perfumes were developed that, in combination with tasting the home-made museum jenever/gin, provide an interactive and very experimental experience. The perfumes are also great for perfuming yourself!
The Perfume/ Scent Ring Concept
To achieve this scent-taste experience he combined the drinking with his Perfume/Scent Ring Concept in combination with a glass tube.
This adds an amazing 'scentaste' to the enjoyment of drinking the jenever/gin. It can also be used in combination with other drinks/liqueurs.

A fruity and oral sensual scent composition consisting of 52 scents with notes of juniper, strawberry, cherry, citrus, roses, lavender, neroli, fennel, coriander, cloves, licorice, ...
Junifer let you experience jenever/gin in a very experimental way and as a perfume on the skin it caresses your senses in pure softness like cashmere.
A fruity and oral sensual scent composition consisting of 52 scents with notes of juniper, strawberry, cherry, citrus, roses, lavender, neroli, fennel, coriander, cloves, licorice, ...

junifer O
The Perfume/Scent Ring Concept © Peter de Cupere
The Perfume/Scent Blotter Ring Concept © Peter de Cupere

Junifer & Junifer O
Some images of used presentations and scent concepts for Junifer & Junifero Perfumes