Perfume/ Scent Ring Concept

To achieve a great scent-taste experience olfactory artist Peter de Cupere invented the Perfume/Scent Ring Concept. In combination with a glass tube, the Perfume/Scent Ring Concept boost the smell of a drink.
It adds an amazing 'scentaste' to the enjoyment of drinking. It can be used in combination with liqueurs, spirits, fruit juices, water, whiskeys, wine, champagne, ...
The concept is based on his invented Scent/Smell Drinks in 2003, which were presented in his Smell-Movie Sniff Receptor. During the opening of his exhibition in 2003 (Olfactormoviestudios @ Z33 in Hasselt, BE) more than 700 people could experience divers drinks in combination with a fragrance. For this he designed a special cup with a fragrance holder. Hot water 'scentasted' like coffee, sparkling water 'scentasted' like coca cola, fruit juice 'scentasted' to another fruit then expected, and many more 'scentasting' experiences were added.
In 2019 this idea became part of the Scent Ring Concept that he used for commissioned perfumes based on the Jenevers of the National Jenevermuseum of Belgium in Hasselt, BE. Find out more here about Junifer & Junifero!

Another version of the Perfume/Scent Ring Concept is a self-made ring out of a perfume blotter strip.
Perfume/Scent Blotter Ring Concept © Peter de Cupere